An invitation from The Eden Project’s The Big Walk, saw the Historypin Team setting up in the beautiful grounds of Birmingham Botanical Gardens on the last weekend of May for some story sharing activities. The simple premise behind the Big Walk is to invite a team of people to walk across the UK, engaging with local communities along the way and encouraging everyday people to make positive change where they live.
Building strong communities is also at the heart of Historypin’s work, and learning about each other through group activities like story sharing is great way to understand the communities we live in and the people around us.
Undeterred by the light rain, the walkers passed through our garden patch and took the opportunity to engage in some snap shot story gathering. Using our Storybox story starter cards and a Polaroid camera to help people engage, the place was buzzing with activity.

The kids especially welcomed the opportunity to share, with hand drawn pictures and stories of home and family, brightening up the day. ‘Home is where family and friends are. We live in Birmingham but like the visit places with our friends. We think of the tent as our home. We always take too much stuff to make it comfortable.’ I couldn’t agree more!