This is the first of a new Friday Favourites blog that will be showcasing my favourite Historypin Stories, Pics and Channels from the past week….enjoy!
Fave Story
My fave story of the week has been pinned by Skipton Library and is a diary of the Coronation celebrations in the village of Cowling from Saturday 30th June to the day of the Coronation on Tuesday the 2nd of July. The diary charts the celebrations in the village over the four days, including a parade with wagons representing different countries in the British Empire and a Miss Coronation competition. The detail is fantastic and the story is written by the children who were involved in the different celebrations at the time. Definitely worth a look and a read here.

Pinner of the Week
The title of Pinner of the Week has to go to San Francisco MTA (Municipal Transport) Archives. They have been adding to their fantastic archive over the past week which includes pictures of San Francisco going back over more than 100 years. The pictures they have pinned over the past few days are of the many Street and Cable cars that snaked their way through the city in the early to mid 20th Century. The Archive is also worth a look for the incredible pictures of the immediate aftermath of the 1906 Earthquake, on the buildings and streets of the city. See the full channel here.

Pin of the Week
Finally my fave Pin of the week is of this great shot of the Launceton Hotel in Adelaide in the early 1890’s, which has been pinned by the State Library of South Australia. The building is still standing but almost unrecognisable in its current form. Since the photo was taken the building has been stripped right back and has managed to acquire a flying saucer on its roof. I love the photo as it shows how much structures can change and the hidden history behind seemingly innocuous buildings. Check out the streetview and building in its current form here.